Initiatives and searches - next steps

Interim President Scott Coltrane and acting Provost Frances Bronet shared an update with the campus community about current strategic initiatives and position searches.

Dear Colleagues,

In the past few weeks, the University of Oregon has successfully transitioned to a new executive leadership team. As interim president and acting provost, we are incredibly grateful to our stellar team of vice presidents, deans, vice provosts, the university, and the community for supporting this transition and helping maintain momentum on major initiatives and preparing for the new academic year.

The important work of the university continues, and we are pleased to offer an update on current university planning and searches.

Strategic Initiatives

The executive leadership team is working to further major initiatives started during the past year. These projects include:

  • Renewing our academic plan and setting strategic goals
  • Creating a facilities framework vision for campus
  • Supporting the faculty cluster hire initiative
  • Preparing the public phase of our fundraising campaign
  • Finalizing our new mission statement

In addition, the university will embark on a comprehensive policy review and adoption under a new board structure; work with the University Senate to enhance shared governance; continue implementing the faculty collective bargaining agreement; and continue reforms relating to curricular development, research oversight, student conduct, benchmarking, and transparency.


In the coming 2014-15 year, the Board of Trustees of the University of Oregon will conduct a national search for president. Additional details about the search process are expected to be shared during the September board meeting. Also this year, the university will hold a national search for general counsel and conduct an internal search for dean of the Graduate School.

To allow the new president to be involved in other important hires, the university will conduct searches for vice president for research and innovation, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and dean of the School of Journalism and Communication in the following year, 2015-16.

Challenge Creates Opportunity

Our ambitions for excellence are intact.  Through our collective efforts, we are building strength. This is a pivotal moment for the University of Oregon and we invite the entire campus community to join us in innovating to shape our future.


Scott Coltrane                                            Frances Bronet
Interim President                                          Acting Provost

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