Committee on Scholarships

Committee on Scholarships advises the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships on policy and procedures for awarding scholarships; participates in review of applications and selection of scholarship recipients. 

Charge and Responsibilities

The Committee on Scholarships shall be responsible to advise the Office of Financial Aid on policy and procedures for the awarding of scholarships, and to participate in the review of applications and the selection of candidates for scholarships. The committee shall determine the criteria for the awarding of scholarships and shall review applicant files. 

Successful applicants and level of aid shall also be determined by the committee. 


Committee Member


School/College/Admin Unit



Committee Position

Kyle Peterson


Lundquist College of Business

Associate Professor


Teaching Faculty, Lundquist College of Business

David Cosottile


College of Education


'24-'25, '25-'26

Teaching Faculty, College of Education



School of Law



Teaching Faculty, School of Law



School of Music and Dance



Teaching Faculty, School of Music and Dance

Kelli Matthews


School of Journalism and Communication

Instructor 1

'24-'25, '25-'26

Teaching Faculty, School of Journalism and Communications

Jon Jaramillo

Romance Languages

College of Arts and Sciences


'24-'25, '25-'26

Teaching Faculty, College of Arts & Sciences - Humanities



College of Arts and Sciences



Teaching Faculty, College of Arts & Sciences - Social Sciences



College of Design



Teaching Faculty, College of Design

Estelle Tedrick










College of Arts and Sciences


Teaching Faculty, At-Large

Hailin Wang


College of Arts and Sciences



Teaching Faculty, College of Arts & Sciences - Natural Sciences

Erin Hays


Student Services and Enrollment Management

Associate Vice President and Director of Admissions


ExOfficio, Director of Admissions

Sorin Dragoiu


Student Life

Director of Financial Services



Michelle Holdway

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Student Services and Enrollment Management

Associate Director and Coordinator for University Scholarships


ExOfficio, Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships

Kelly Pembleton


Division of Equity and Inclusion

Assistant Vice President and Chief of Staff 


ExOfficio, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion

Paul Timmins

University Career Center

Student Life

Executive Director


ExOfficio, Director of Career Center

Kelly Bosch


UO Foundation

Chief Financial Officer


ExOfficio, Director of UO Foundation

Membership Requirements

Membership of the Committee on Scholarships is not fixed and includes at least one teaching faculty member from each of the professional schools and each of the three major divisions (Humanities, Social Science and Natural Science) within the College of Arts and Sciences. Traditionally membership consists of 10-12 teaching faculty, two students (who are recused from reviewing applications from their peer group), plus the following ex officio members or their designees: Director of Admissions, Vice President for Student Life, Director of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Director of Career Center, and Director of UO Foundation. 

Leadership Structure

a) Chair: elected from the committee membership

b) Convener: Director of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships or designee

c) Staff: Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

Election Schedule for Chair

At the first meeting 

Length of Term

a) Non-Students (faculty, OA’s, OR’s, Classified): 2 years

b) Students: 1 year

c) Ex Officio: Indefinite

Term Limits

a) For the Chair: 1 term

b) For Committee Members: 2 terms 

c) Ex officio: none 

Frequency of Meetings

Three meetings per academic year

Reporting Deadline(s)

The Committee on Scholarships shall provide a report to the University Senate. At a minimum this report shall be in the form of an annual written report submitted by the Committee Chair to the Senate President and Senate Executive Coordinator no later than June 1. The committee shall also make additional written or oral reports to the Senate as necessary. 


Michelle Holdway,