
Image The Investiture of John Karl Scholz, 19th president of the University of Oregon

The Ceremony

The community attended the ceremony and formal installation of John Karl Scholz as the 19th president of the University of Oregon. An investiture is a time for the university to celebrate the values, achievements, and aspirations of our community. The ceremony included remarks from the president, board chair, president of the University Senate, student member of the Board of Trustees, and others. Students from the School of Music and Dance also performed.

Read President Scholz’s Remarks

Messages of Congratulations


Oregon Senator Ron Wyden
"As a proud alum of the University of Oregon, I am glad to congratulate President Scholz on today’s investiture. I know from my conversations with him in Eugene just how committed he is to making the university an even better place to learn and work while building upon the school’s educational and research strengths." 
— U.S. Senator Ron Wyden


Jeff Merkley and UO President Karl Scholz
"A hearty congratulations to President Scholz on his investiture today! It is clear he is deeply committed to the University of Oregon’s faculty, students, and staff and ensuring the institution’s lasting legacy as an essential hub of higher education and research. I wish him and his family the best as they continue embarking on this new, exciting chapter." 

— U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley


Oregon House Speaker Julie Fahey
"Congratulations to President Karl Scholz and to the entire UO community. The University of Oregon plays a critical role in Lane County, in Oregon’s higher education system as a whole, and in the lives of students, staff, and faculty. So, I’m glad to know that the university is in such capable hands and that President Scholz has a strong vision for the university and its future. I’m looking forward to continuing to work with him, his team, and the rest of Oregon’s higher education leaders as we build an education system that meets our state’s needs in the years to come."

Oregon Speaker of the House Julie Fahey, House District 14


Congressman Earl Blumenauer
"In less than a year, President Scholz has already made a profound impact on the landscape of higher education in Oregon. The University has an important impact throughout the state and the Pacific Northwest. I’m impressed with his commitment to collaboration and vision for the future. When higher education is in the spotlight and the crosshairs, he is the right person for the right time."
U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, OR-3


Oregon congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici
"President Scholz has the experience to lead the University of Oregon into a new chapter of academic excellence, and his passion for education and research has been evident in the short time I’ve worked with him. I congratulate President Scholz on his investiture today. As a proud alumna of UO’s School of Journalism and Communications and Oregon Law, I look forward to continuing our partnership to strengthen higher education in Oregon."
— U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, OR-1


U.S. Representative Val Hoyle
"For nearly 150 years, the University of Oregon has given people from all backgrounds access to a world-class education. I am delighted that the University of Oregon will benefit from the phenomenal leadership of President Scholz. He has the right drive and passion for higher education. He is committed to the betterment of students, faculty, and alumni. I congratulate him on his investiture and stand ready to support him in what I hope will be a long and successful tenure at the University of Oregon."
U.S. Rep. Val Hoyle, OR-4


Oregon congresswoman Lori Chavez Deremer
"I’d like to extend my congratulations to President Scholz. We’re excited to have you in Oregon, and I wish you the best as you continue leading the university and its students to new heights." 
— U.S. Representative Lori Chavez-DeRemer, OR-5


Andrea Salinas
"Congratulations to President Scholz on his investiture today. Already, he has demonstrated a strong commitment to innovation that will further solidify the University of Oregon’s reputation as a world-class academic and research institute. I am confident in his ability to lead the university into the future, and I wish him and his family all the best." 
— U.S. Rep. Andrea Salinas, OR-6


State Representative Nancy Nathanson
"Congratulations to President Scholz as he joins the Duck community! President Scholz is charting a course for the University of Oregon for Oregon, preparing students for bright futures while helping lead Oregon into its future." 
— State Rep. Nancy Nathanson, House District 13


Oregon Representative Lisa Reynolds
"President Scholz is a caring and committed leader who is the right person to meet this moment. As the UO expands its efforts in Portland with the Ballmer Institute, Karl's attention to detail, his interest in developing programs across the University, and his care for Oregon's children and youth have been critical. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with him on Oregon's child behavioral health workforce, making Oregon the best place in which to grow up." 

State Rep. Lisa Reynolds, House District 34

Image investiture medallion line-art

The Mace and Centennial Medallion

The medallion and mace are official symbols of the president’s authority at the University of Oregon, and historically are presented to a new president on the occasion of their investiture. In medieval times, a mace was carried into battle by kings, bishops, and other leaders for use as a weapon. Today, it is a symbol of authority. The UO’s mace was designed and fabricated in 1981 by C. Max Nixon, professor emeritus of fine and applied arts, as a gift to the university. The use of copper, bronze, silver and walnut exemplify the spirit of the university since its founding 1876. The President’s Centennial Medallion was commissioned in 1975 to be worn by the president as a badge of office, and was created by Professor Paul E. Buckner of the Department of Fine and Applied Arts.