Draft Senate Resolution

Updated: May 2014

Task Force to Address Sexual Violence and Survivor Support


Date of Notice:

May 14, 2014

Legislation, Resolution, or Policy Adoption:




Section I

1.1   WHEREAS, Sexual violence and sexual harassment at universities are part of a national problem and that these problems are also present at the University of Oregon;

1.2   AND WHEREAS the UO must take measures to address the problem of sexual violence and the needs of survivors of sexual violence, on and off our campus;

1.3  AND, WHEREAS many questions remain unanswered with the alleged sexual assault on March 8-9, and the University’s response to that incident;

1.4   AND, WHEREAS the UO’s Student Conduct Code requires sustained and focused attention by students, the University Senate, and the University President as it relates to this matter, and that revisions to this code must e done through the UO Senate;

1.5   AND, WHEREAS the University’s financial commitment to ending sexual violence and supporting survivors of sexual assault at the UO remains unspecified and without needed transparency;

1.6 AND, WHEREAS the University Senate acknowledges the lack of transparency regarding recent cases of sexual assault, and the lack of a university-wide initiative to fully engage all of the university community in efforts to reduce sexual violence on campus and off campus, and the limited support that has been provided to survivors of sexual violence, and acknowledges its obligation to address these problems.

Section II:

2.1   BE IT THEREFORE MOVED that a Task Force to End Sexual Violence and Support Survivors is formed to study the strengths and limitations of the university's response to recent incidents of sexual violence, and based on those assessments, to initiate sustained, proactive changes aimed at ending sexual violence and supporting survivors of sexual violence;

2.2   AND BE IT FURTHER MOVED that this Task Force is formed no later than June 6, 2014, consisting of no fewer than two elected members of the University Senate, two other members of Senate constituencies, two additional nominees recommended by the UO-CESV, two students, and a member of the University administration, all to be appointed by the Senate President, and that the meetings of this task force shall be open to the university community except as required by privacy laws.

2.3   AND BE IT FINALLY MOVED that this Task Force shall work with the University Board of Trustees, the ASUO, the University President and administration, and the Senate's constituencies to report on initial findings, and initial recommendations for action, by the second Senate meeting of Fall 2014.