Campus Messages

• Interim President Patrick Phillips gave this speech after the NAACP MLK Day march on January 16.
• Interim President Patrick Phillips announces interim leadership plans for University Advancement and interim management of the Office of Government and Community Relations.
• Interim President Patrick Phillips shares his good wishes for a warm holiday season.
• Michael Andreasen, the senior vice president for advancement, is leaving the University of Oregon to take the role of vice chancellor for development at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
• Interim President Patrick Phillips provides an update on the University of Oregon’s work to improve our campus culture and foster a welcoming and respectful environment.
• I am writing today with a simple message: VOTE! It is your right as an American—regardless of religion, race, gender, identity, ability, orientation, or ideology—to vote. Your vote matters.
• Interim President Patrick Phillips announced the launch of the UO Home Flight Scholars Program, a new student success program dedicated to serving American Indian and Alaska Native undergraduate students who are residents of Oregon.
• Interim President Patrick Phillips sent a message to the university community sharing the final report and recommendations from 21CP, an external consultant hired to provide an independent, outside review of campus safety.
• Interim President Patrick Phillips sent a message to faculty and officers of administration providing an update on how the university will implement salary increases for the fiscal year.
• Interim President Patrick Phillips welcomed students, faculty, and staff to the start of fall term and the new academic year.